Kontinuance Board

Our Continuance Board consists of volunteers that work to keep continuity between the weekends, gives guidance to all team members and maintains the integrity of the weekends.  This is all done thru prayer – before, during and after each board meeting and each retreat weekend.  If you are interested in learning more about the Continuance Board or are moved to serve in a board position, please feel free to contact any of the board members at the emails listed below.

Chairperson  —  Jennifer Daniel (22/24)–  chairperson@nckoinonia.org

Treasurer  —  OPEN (23/25) —  nck@nckoinonia.org

Secretary OPEN  (21/23) —   nck@nckoinonia.org

Site Coordinator  Jeff Sauter — (22/24) — nck@nckoinonia.org

Property Coordinator  Tiffany Rylant (22-24)  — nck@nckoinonia.org

Membership Coordinator  OPEN (23/25) —  membership@nckoinonia.org

Participant  Coordinator —  Joni Hicks (22/24) — participant@nckoinonia.org

Membership Communications Melanie Ault (21/23)- communications@nckoinonia.org

Spiritual Director OPEN —  (21/23) —  spiritualdirector@nckoinonia.org

Music Coordinator  —  OPEN (23/25) —  music@nckoinonia.org

Ultreya Coordinator OPEN (23/25) — ultreya@nckoinonia.org